You are what you eat . . .
Stop and think for a moment about your body, made of water and living cells, a complex organism that converts nutrition—your food—into energy and living tissues. Your body uses the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe to keep you alive. Your body doesn’t just use the food you put in it, it’s made of that food.
If you think I’m stating the obvious, consider for a moment the average American diet: food that comes in a cardboard box or plastic bag, food kept in a freezer or on a shelf for months, prepared in industrial amounts, stabilized and flavor-enhanced with fillers and chemicals, then shipped to your supermarket (or your local restaurant) from hundreds—maybe even thousands—of miles away. Food ground into powders and pastes, boiled down into liquids and extracts bearing little resemblance to their original forms. Food made—if you study your food labels—of four ingredients used over and over again: corn, sugar, salt and wheat.
Compare that pasty vision—brown cereal, white sugar, tan bread—to the multitude of colors and textures you might find in a vegetable garden and ask yourself: If you are what you eat, which would you rather be?
Our food supply has changed . . .
Even our raw food supply—meat, produce, and dairy products—are routinely treated with chemicals, antibiotics and pesticides, resulting in food that is less nutrient dense that it was 50 years ago. Mostly this is due to the economics of big agribusiness—the industrialization and mechanization of farming. Vegetables are not only treated with pesticides, they are grown in over-fertilized and depleted soils. Animals are raised in feedlots and fed a diet they were never meant to eat, requiring antibiotics to regulate their growth and prevent disease in abnormal conditions. The regular use and overuse of antibiotics has led to new and resistant strains of bacteria showing up in humans. Think E. coli. Increased incidence of “staph” infections. The way we eat is making us sick.
In Michael Pollan’s lovely book, In Defense of Food, he says, “Eat food, mostly plants, not too much.” To that I would add, “Eat organic; eat locally and colorfully. And avoid sugar in all its forms.” Avoid toxic pesticides by eating organically. Fresh food has the most nutritional value for your body, so try to eat locally. The less it travels to reach your table, the fresher it’s likely to be. Grow your own food if you can. A tomato grown to withstand travel over hundreds of miles in the back of a truck is a very different tomato than one grown in your back yard.
Great words to live, and eat, by 🙂
Thanks cuz. Hope you and yours are well. Eat healthy!
[…] Eat a diet that consists of whole foods. Eat organic foods as much as possible consisting of meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Many people tolerate grains poorly so eat only unprocessed grains and don’t over do it. Much dairy is adulterated with drugs and chemicals so make dairy a special treat if at all. […]
[…] Our bodies function properly when we eat natural foods. Blood levels remain where they should be, and our waistlines remain healthy. But as manufacturers place added sugar in foods that we wouldn’t expect, it becomes harder to curb cravings and fight addictions. We usually don’t reach for a second apple, but a second cookie? Well, that’s usually harder to resist. […]